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"Kindness is a language we can all understand. Even the blind can see it and the deaf can hear it." ~ Mother Theresa.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

DDI Imaging

Before Jaw Surgery..... http://www.ddicenter.com/


Michelle said...

OMG that was totally awesome. Im like WOAH....unreal. The technology today is unbelievable. Now you know what you would look like if you decide on the Brittney Spears look...hehe
Too KEWL, thanks for sharing!

Dezi said...

The first thing my boyfriend said when he saw this was .....

"wow - what happened to your hair!"


He wasn't all that impressed with technology cuz he was too amazed to see what i would look like without hair....gotta love men!

Michelle said...

I had to come back and look at this again...it is way too cool. I really wish I had one. Its funny because my husband overlooked it while sitting at his computer and he said the same thing, "Where'd her hair go?" I was like, hair..who cares about the hair, check out that detail, look at her vertebrae!!!. It is awesome.

Anonymous said...

LOL I just watched it with Josh (Dezi's 2 1/2 year old nephew)he thought the bone pictures were a monster. He didn't believe it was Auntie Dezi.
By the way, did you notice the "halo"? See, my daughter is an angel!!!!